KEY ENIGMA goals for 2021 (Spoiler alert: New game!)

This crazy year is about to end, so we want to launch our first blog post by reviewing our goals achieved this 2020 and those that are coming in 2021.


  • ✔️Launch Hack Forward
  • ✔️Launch The Butterfly Curse
  • ✔️Launch Online Store
  • Complete all Kickstarter/Indiegogo shipping (In process, delayed due covid) 
  • 2021

  • Prepare new Kickstarter Campaign (In progress)
  • Launch Demo (Looking for beta testers. Stay tuned)
  • Prepare a secret community puzzle (Looking for volunteers in Germany, UK, and USA. Stay tuned)
  • Launch Detective/Crime game on Kickstarter 🎉
  • ---

    That said, we wish you a Happy New Year full of puzzles and mysteries.

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